Mark Bot
"Record performances, generate report cards and define analytics. ",
Check out our application demonstration video below
Marks updation by faculty
Faculty can update the marks of the students from their console.
Frozen figures on posting
All posted marks get frozen. Any editing requires permission by HOD.
PDF for security
PDF in e-mail is generated for all postings, making data secure.
View marks & analytics in faculty console
Faculty can choose to view marks and analytics related to marks in their console .
Create exams
Date sheets, benchmarks, fail markers and more .
Exam management console
Enter dates, max & min marks, timings & syllabus .
Marking deadlines
Define deadlines for receving inputs and never stay behind your work.
View single window marks report
Define a class and view a single window marks report.
Excel Export
Export reports to excel. Analyse, save at your comfort.
Debar & permit provisionally
Options to debar and provide provisional permission.
Pending marks report
Keep track of timely inputs .
Customization to derive analytical outputs
Implement multiple analytical formulae.
Generate data for all exams
Single window view for all exams of a particular subject .
Class performance report
Single window overview of class performance.
Individual performance overview
Browse through complete performance of a student .
Admit card generation
Generate admit cards and proceed them to student logins .
Pending marks notification
Notifications delivered in faculty panel.
Freeze Students
Enforce compliance & discipline.
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